We are Your Automotive Locksmith
Thanks to improvements to automotive keys, your car or truck is far less likely to be stolen or broken into than it was in the past. Those same improvements mean that special equipment and knowledge is needed to have a new key made or replaced. If you find the keys locked into your car or need new keys, going to a dealer can host hundreds, require towing, or even other hassles. Let Locks By the Bay save you money, make the keys and remotes on site, and significantly lessen the hassle.
We Make New Keys For Your Car Or Truck
Do you only have one key for your car or truck? If so, you’re at a very high-risk of locking that one key in your car. Whether your only have one key or need another for another family member, Locks By The Bay can help. Many people think they have to take their car back to the dealer to have this done. Locks By The Bay can do this at your home, your business, or wherever you’re at. We stock the most common keys and can quickly order those we do not.
Most keys nowadays are far more than “just a key.” Keys now commonly have small chips in them that the car or truck must the programmed to acknowledge. Programming the car or truck frequently requires that you have special programmers that connect to the OBD-II port. You do not need to go to the dealer and pay hundreds to get this done. We can do this at a cost far less than the dealership.
Have you been told that since you have a smart key you have to go back to the dealership? You’ve been told wrong. We can do those as well. Again, at a cost far less than the dealership. Want a flip-key? Yes, we do that as well.
We Replace Lost Keys
Have you lost all of the keys to your car or truck? Do you think you have to have the vehicle towed back to the dealership? No, you do not. With our professional picks and tools we are able to decode the lock and create a key from scratch. Locks By the Bay will also create you a new remote, smart key, or flip-key on the spot.
We Get You In Your Car When Your Locked Out
Car and Truck manufacturers have gone to great lengths to help people not lock the keys in their car. Humans have managed to overcome all of those helpful obstacles to repeatedly find ways to lock themselves out. You are not alone. We can help. Don’t let a towing company open your car door. After all, they’re used to hauling busted-up automobiles, and you don’t want a busted-up automobile. Don’t give in to the impulse to take a coat hanger to your car. Don’t take a pry-bar to it. YouTube and Google will tell you you can do it with a tennis ball. Just don’t do it. Call Locks By the Bay. Let us get you back in.